5 minute hack - Presenting a new idea
5 minute hack - Presenting a new idea
You need to present a new idea to a meeting or a group. It will mean changing how things are done. You have got your idea well set out but are anxious about how it will be received and get implemented.
Take the next 5 minutes to work on understanding your audience so your idea gets the best reception possible
What it's for
A quick fix to present your new idea if you only have 5 minutes before the meeting.
To start - take a sheet of paper and draw 3 columns

Set a timer for each task and work intensively over a short period of time.
Minute 1 Who's your audience?
If the first column, spend one minute listing the groups or individuals you will be speaking to
Minute 2 What does your audience want?
Spend minute 2 listing why each person/group would embrace and object to your idea. List these in columnns 2 and 3.
Minute 3 What's the impact?
Looking over the columns of what you think your audience will embrace and object to, grade them from minor to major in terms of implementing the change. From: what will make the most positive/negative impact and what won't make much difference? (You could use stickers, numbers or letters, highlighters or any other method to grade them)
Minute 4 What's in it for them?
Each person or group will be thinking "what's in it for me?"
Use minute 4 to look over your presentation and check you have covered what your idea is, why it's needed and how it will be done. Using the lists in your 3 columns, jot down what is true about the objections and how you can harness the enthusiasm of what people will embrace.
Minute 5 What do you want out of the meeting?
In minute 5, from what you've learnt in the last 4 minutes, write down your number one desired outcome from the meeting and what you can compromise on. From your list, who will be your biggest supporters to achieve your outcome and who can influence them? Write down what their interest is in the outcome and how it converges with yours.
How it helps you
You now have a picture of your audience, how they might react to your idea, who you can call upon to support and who you need to listen to for objections. You have a goal to aim for with your desired outcome and where interest in your idea converges with others' interesets.
Alternative - draw this as a mind map
If you have more time
# Make a full stakeholder map for the decision-makers, implementers, people directly and indirectly involved. Work out who influences whom.
# Contact people in advance to get input, work out how the idea will affect them and listen well. Think about what you want each person/group/team to think, to feel and to do.
# Discuss each objection with the relevant parties. What can be managed and what are the show stoppers? Agree with them what role they can play in the project.
Download the full pdf document with fillable tables and mindmap. If you'd like a Word version send an email to info@clearsasabell.uk and I'll send you one.