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Spot the difference - charity governance or management?
As a proud trustee of World Villages for Children UK and a regular consultant to the voluntary sector, I thought I'd share freely, for a limited time only, a paper I wrote a while ago. It's to help boards and smaller charities think about how to distinguish between management and governance roles. There are some scenarios to get you thinking. <br><br>I don't believe there is a blueprint for getting it right! Each charity differs from every other - in size, operating model, purpose, resources... some entirely volunteer-led, some with paid staff, some well-established, some very new. <br><br>However you work, there are a few principles to think about. It's not so much about dividing up the work, although that might come out of it, it's more about which hat you are wearing for any given action or responsibility. <br><br>Download the guide for free this week only! (ends 15th Nov 24)<br>
Lucidity Special. Spot the difference - charity governance or management?
As a proud trustee of World Villages for Children UK and a regular consultant to the voluntary sector, welcome to my Charity Governance or Management guide and activity sheet. It's to help boards and smaller charities think about how to distinguish between management and governance roles. There are some scenarios to get you thinking. <br><br>I don't believe there is a blueprint for getting it right! Each charity differs from every other - in size, operating model, purpose, resources... some entirely volunteer-led, some with paid staff, some well-established, some very new. <br><br>However you work, there are a few principles to think about. It's not so much about dividing up the work, although that might come out of it, it's more about which hat you are wearing for any given action or responsibility. <br><br>There's a special £5 off only for Lucidity members. <br>
#MakingRoom 6-week short programme for leaders of people
(If you prefer to pay on invoice, don't pay here, just send me an email to<br><br>A small group, open programme over 6 weeks specially designed for leaders of people (a team, department, division, whole organisation) to transform how team culture can influence up, across and down and how things get done. Decisions, projects, tricky people. The programme detail is downloadable in the product page description below. <br> <br>This is not a how to guide, nor a change management course! #MakingRoom is designed to approach change based on team culture, with a people first approach. <br><br>In-house group programme available too. <br><br> " I feel "Better equipped to deal with the challenges ahead" - participant December 2023<br><br>The #MakingRoom short programme introduces you to the 13 Core Skills of putting people at the heart of how you lead. Each 90 minute* interactive session is part training and part workshop where you can work through your own challenges. <br>You will take away tools and techniques to apply straight away each week. <br><br>All sessions run from 10 - 11.30 am UK time .*The first session is 2 hours long to give extra time for introductions. <br><br><br><br>
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