As the most recent political upheaval in the US has amply demonstrated, how things are organised (the status quo) is NOT the natural order of things, however much we are made to believe it is by those who defend it.
In this case there was a majority of voters wanting to do away with how things were organised. The status quo has been upended by those who claim to have a clear idea of what they want the new status quo to be.
How things are organised has to be defended vigourously by those who want to preserve it so, whether you are on the preserving side or the upending side, you are in for an unsettling, what will seem a tiring time.
In addition, we as human beings are hard-wired for survival to prefer certainty. That's why it's such hard work to embed change, be that in your own habits, change at an organisation, policy change or political landscape change.
We have to believe that there will be some defence of the beforetimes (i.e. before Money 20th Jan).