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Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.
January 24, 2025Friday Afternoon Thought#FridayAfternoonThought As the most recent political upheaval in the US has amply demonstrated,...January 20, 2025Quick readWhat What if you thought of your 'Blue Monday' as, well, clear blue sky? Shift your perspective...December 30, 2024Quick read'In Real Life' is an expression that has taken on new meanings since the pandemic started (I know...December 13, 2024Friday Afternoon ThoughtYou're stuck in a ♾️loop of thoughts, or even a spiral of thoughts. Whichever way you look at...December 10, 2024Friday Afternoon Thought#FridayAfternoonThought Well, it's happened. I have been treated like an 'old lady who is in the...Friday Afternoon ThoughtMy photo of my rather well-used garlic pot here is a bit unusual as a start to a ...Quick readToday's important life lesson 🥁🥁🥁... Seagulls will swoop from behind you to nab your lunch if...Team culturesIt's the bad dream that wakes you up in the small hours... You've perfected your pitch for a new...Team cultures#TrusteesWeek2024 As a proud trustee of World Villages for Children UK and a regular consultant...Friday Afternoon Thought#FridayAfternoonThought Recovery from any setback will almost always take longer than you thought...Friday Afternoon Thought#FridayAfternoonThought It is difficult to shout about the difference coaching makes to people's...Quick readA bit nervous now - my latest newsletter will land in people's inbox in the morning. My...Friday Afternoon Thought#FridayAfternoonThought Warning: rant incoming. Don't leave people hanging... it saps their...Quick readOh my! Just learned a new word... it's something I already do and now I know other people do it...Quick readQ: What do yoga and team culture have in common? A: That a stable base leads to more potential...Are you feeling any of these about work this Tuesday morning? Relations are fractious, projects...Friday Afternoon Thought#FridayAfternoonThought An unexpected day. I was meant to be having some medical treatment then...Quick readIf you've been reading any of my recent posts (and thank you if you have!) you might be forgiven...September 30, 2024The Insight longer readMaking decisions can feel a bit final, can't it? Up to now we've had ALL these possible ideas,...Friday Afternoon ThoughtNever one to conform to the 'right' time to do things (celebrating birthdays and anniversaries...More Posts
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